Inspírame Mujer Cecilia Valdez

You may already know me as Cecilia Valdez, MSN, RN , or commonly referred to as Nurse Cece, a masters level registered nurse in the state of sunny Arizona. But what you don’t know is that the journey to get me there has been anything but easy. Here’s my story:

I am a first generation Mexican American. I grew up in a broken home, with divorced parents, and mainly raised by my very hard working mother. My father lived in Lake Havasu City most of my child hood life, so I would only see him once a month if I was lucky enough. He did make an enormous effort and called my sister and I almost daily. He will never know how truly that impacted my life, and I am forever grateful for that.

Growing up with a single hard working mom. I grew up having the responsibility of  helping raise my two younger sisters. I had no true direction, but I know my mother did the best she knew how, being as young as she was. I have the honor of sharing her 16th birthday with her.

Once graduated from high school, I had zero plans, and decided to start medical assistant school. College, much less university existed in my vocabulary at that time, and that is why I decided trade school was the best option for me.

At the young age of 20 I became pregnant with my then boyfriend, unfortunately that relationship did not last and I became a single mother at a very young age, much too familiar to what my mother had lived. At that point I could not think of anything but working hard and providing for my child. At the age of 26 I married a man because of social and cultural pressures. You know the sayings, “Te vas a quedar soltera toda la vida, ya se te paso el tren,  o mejor te vas a servir a un convento.” I was young and made the wrong choice, married into a suffocating verbally, and physical abusive relationship. Thankfully my fighters heart knew better and I was able to leave that relationship two years in. After divorce I knew that something had to change, and that is when I chose to go to school, became a registered nurse, and decided to go all the way through my masters program. I always knew that whatever I did, had to involve service to others. As I believe that only through service to others are we able to carry out our live purpose. Which has led me to be the advocate for lower income, undeserved and for the Latino community.

Who has Influenced your life the most?

My daughter Gaby. She was a game changer for me. I knew I had to change the cycle that not only myself had lived, but my mother, her mother and her mother had lived.

What are your proudest achievements?

Graduating from nursing school, going through my masters, and now working diligently to serve the undeserved community.

Who Inspires you?

My patients, truly being a nurse is an honor. Patients allow me daily to be present in their most vulnerable moments. Oh, and I could never not mention my family, daughter and friends, they inspire me on a daily basis to be the best version of myself.

What advice would you give someone pursuing a career in what you do?

Do it! Remember nurse life is not glamorous, it can be beyond overwhelming, you have a huge responsibility on your shoulders, but is it rewarding on so many levels! It makes you beyond grateful for the life you live, and your health most importantly. We need caring hearts and people who will advocate and make a difference for our patients.

What makes an inspiring woman?

Wow, this question! To me an inspiring women is a woman that can make everyone feel at home. Not everyone can do this in the present world we live in. This requires essence! I truly believe that essence has been lost in our current society. Women are loving, healing, and truly the heart of the world.

Through essence women can inspire and give women the urge to accomplish something that improves and creates a better world. I know for myself I live a life free of fear, of societal norms, and with no definitions. My close friends laugh because my favorite saying is, “I do what I want!” I do what fuels me with passion and leads me on a mission. To me an inspiring women lives with no constraints, or societal ideals. I live with the mission to inspire and break the so called norms, and I believe that women that create change live inspired to inspire.

Bottom line inspiring women not only believe in themselves but believes in others! They radiate with humble confidence, they ooze with compassion, gratitude and kindness, they live with such grace, they embrace their imperfections, they are authentic (never duplicated), they are transparent, live as students, spill strength when facing adversity, and dang are they self-motivated like no other!

Tell us five things no one knows about you?

1.- I’m not quite sure how many people know this about me, but my favorite hobbies are dancing salsa, and hiking!

2.-I’m a writer and a poet, I write in my journal almost everyday unless I am a little uninspired, my biggest dream is to eventually write a book.

3.-My mission and project is to open a nurse consulting company that focuses on teaching health care systems and their employees how to truly help and improve patient outcomes in our undeserved, and Latino communities.

4.- I am an extrovert, if I am not connecting with humans, I’m slowly dying inside.

5.-I am stubborn, some might even say pushy, but I truly believe if you never ask you will never know. I mean you always have a 50/50 chance at anything at life right! This is what creates a story and stories matter!

Until next time stay inspired,


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